Join the waitlist for GeniusU.AI Beta

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The Global Network for Superhuman Learning


Human Intelligence



Artificial Intelligence



Superhuman Intelligence

Genie AI enables you to name and personalize your own AI guide, who then learns with you based on your personal preferences and goals.

The introduction of the GeniusU AI platform is set to transform the learning experience for our 4.3 million students and partner communities around the world. Genie AI is designed to assist students at every step of their learning journey on GeniusU, Genius Group’s Edtech platform, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to guide students on personalized learning paths based on their talents, passions, purpose and personal goals.

Each Genie follows Genius Group’s CLEAR philosophy of Connect, Learn, Earn, Act, and Review, providing daily steps to:


each student to the communities, campuses mentors and students within Genius Group’s global community of 4.3 million students to support their journey.


with each student, recommending the courses, events and programs to follow, from free courses and learning steps to vocational certifications, full bachelors degree programs and MBA programs.


GEMs (GeniusU’s student credit system) by taking CLEAR steps with the students and to find the best earning opportunities, from employment and entrepreneurial projectsto investment opportunities that best fit each student.


on key action steps and learning plans based on each student’s learning style and learning goals.


steps taken to ensure effective ‘learning by doing’, both at an individual and group level when guiding classes and in-company learning.

The Genie AI integrates GeniusU’s Genie with OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Salesforce’s Einstein AI. The Alpha version of Genie AI has launched with a select user group, and the waitlist for the Beta version of Genie AI is now open for registration.

Each Genie follows Genius Group’s CLEAR philosophy of Connect, Learn, Earn, Act, and Review, providing daily steps to:

  • Learn

    with each student, recommending the courses, events and programs to follow, from free courses and learning steps to vocational certifications, full bachelors degree programs and MBA programs.

The Genie AI integrates GeniusU’s Genie with OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Salesforce’s Einstein AI. The Alpha version of Genie AI has launched with a select user group, and the waitlist for the Beta version of Genie AI is now open for registration.

The Beta Launch Package

Join the Beta Launch and receive the following complimentary package

1 Month Genius Metaversity to get you and your business ready for the AI revolution with monthly training.
Valued at $90

Access to Genius Guide to Wealth Dynamics 5.0 in Marketing, Sales, Finance and AI in HR
Valued at $108

Free tickets to the Investor Summit in June and Entrepreneur Summit in October
Valued at $194

A chance to win a trip to Wealth Dynamics Masters Bali or Investor Dynamics Masters South Africa  in 2023 with a group of inspiring investors and entrepreneurs.
Valued at $10,000

Vouchers worth $2000 to selected AIR (AI Revolution) events
Valued at $2,000